Live All Your Life
Live All Your Life
025 All Show And No Go? Being A Person Of Substance: The Philosophy Of Fitness 15
Cody and Tali discuss the pitfalls of "All Show And No Go!" and some possible strategies to avoid falling into this trap.
00:45 Icebreaker: Favorite moments of our wedding
05:50 All Show And No Go! Not everything is as it appears!
06:52 Shout-out to David and Sadie Durante at Powermonkey!
07:14 Respect for bodybuilding as a sport and Yoga as a practice and all of the work and dedication it takes, but don't let aesthetics fool you- sport-specific training and fitness are not the same
19:08 Fake it 'till ya make it! (or even better- "Fake it 'til ya' feel it!" -Dori Iris
25:14 Don't judge a book by its cover! (Example is a former client that had been injured, so looked unassuming, but he was a bad-ass performing athlete!) Ryan Freeman.
32:04 All talk and no action; we've cultivated a practice of being action biased in our relationship, practice your ABCs (Action Bias Consistently)
38:16 Sometimes all show and no go is the result of not knowing what you're working for, or you've taken a wrong turn in getting there
41:40 The allure of culture; sometimes you can be misled away from your true goals if your association is misguided, or you're trying to present yourself in a certain way
43:40 Being well-rounded through diversity is one way to avoid "all show and no go".
54:08 Sign off!
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Ep. 15 PhOfFit All show No Go
Ep. 15 PhOfFit All show No Go
[00:00:00] Cody: Hi, this is Cody Limbaugh and
[00:00:17] Tali: I'm Tali Zabari, and you're listening to the Philosophy of Fitness podcast on the
[00:00:23] Cody: Lim Network.
[00:00:45] Tali: This week's icebreaker is about our wedding. I wanted to know what your favorite part of our wedding was.
[00:00:52] Cody: Fav. I don't have a favorite part. You know, I can't do those things if
[00:00:54] Tali: you had to choose, but. Gun to your
[00:00:57] Cody: head. That whole day was amazing. , [00:01:00]
[00:01:02] Tali: you can't give your top three. That's, and if you can't zero it, zero it down to one.
[00:01:09] Tali: That doesn't make any sense, but you know what I mean.
[00:01:12] Cody: Well, playing guitar while you sing,
[00:01:17] Tali: I often forget about that part. But yeah, so good. That was great.
[00:01:22] Cody: Uhhuh, our vows. Mm-hmm. were awesome. I wish we had a microphone for it. I don't wanna talk about it. and dancing With You. Dancing. Those were like the only three times we were together.
[00:01:35] Cody: What do you mean?
[00:01:36] Tali: We ate dinner together?
[00:01:37] Cody: Yeah. We ate dinner together and that was great. We
[00:01:39] Tali: came out and I feel like the things that you mentioned were like all the main parts of the wedding.
[00:01:42] Cody: So we came, we came in on the motorcycle together. That was
[00:01:45] Tali: pretty fun. Yeah. After a wardrobe change. Yeah.
[00:01:47] Cody: But then there was lots of mingling where I didn't see you for a while.
[00:01:50] Cody: There was a
[00:01:50] Tali: lot of mingling. You're right. Okay, well since you did a top three, I wanna do a top three because it is really hard to narrow it down to one. That's what I meant to say the first time. But the first thing [00:02:00] that came to mind and what my very favorite part was I didn't really want to have a moment where like all eyes are on me and to deal with the traditional walk down the aisle, even though we had kind of an aisle situation with the seating mm-hmm.
[00:02:15] Tali: At the annex. And so instead, Cody and I stood under our hapa, which is traditional for a Jewish wedding that awesomely had a canopy with a tali, like a prayer shawl that a ton of my family members have been married under. And instead we stood under the Hoopa and everybody was gonna go take their seats to the song that we chose, but, It turned into something so much more Awesome.
[00:02:43] Tali: My friend Emily was the first person to walk into the space and before she took her seat, she like ran up to us to give us a hug and then every single person after followed suit. So there was this opportunity to like have a moment with [00:03:00] every single person, thank them for being here. I got to meet some of your family members, like as that happened.
[00:03:06] Tali: Mm-hmm. . And it was so cool. It reminded me of some other traditions that, you know, I've been a part of. Like when I worked at summer camp for instance, we did this thing called the Shabbat Walk, which on Friday nights, everybody at the entire summer camp, all the girls would line up on the girls hill and then all the boys would come, and then you hug all the boys or say Shabbat shalom or whatever.
[00:03:31] Tali: And. It kind of flips so that all the girls can then say hello to each other and Shabbat shalom. And then we all go to the prayer service. And also in Israeli weddings, they have essentially the same situation and they videotape it. And it's kind of funny to watch those back because they'll be like 300 people at a wedding and you're just like waiting where you are in line, like to say, oh, that's me.
[00:03:56] Tali: Anyway, that was my favorite part and since it was a little longwinded, I'll just leave it [00:04:00] at that.
[00:04:00] Cody: That was pretty great. It was like a role reversal. Everybody in our, everybody who attended our wedding walked down the aisle basically. Yes. And it
[00:04:07] Tali: was, got a hug, a role reversal, and it was completely by accident.
[00:04:12] Tali: Yeah. We did not plan it. And it was awesome. Yeah, it was pretty cool.
[00:04:16] Cody: Yeah. Yeah. As much planning as went into our wedding, there was a lot of freedom in it too. Like just to kinda, yeah. We're gonna be here at this time and then we're gonna free flow. Yeah. Kinda like we do.
[00:04:27] Tali: Totally. I would say even today's podcast recording is reflective of that in a way, so, mm-hmm.
[00:04:31] Tali: it's what time is it? Bedtime? It's nine, it's like practically 9:00 PM normally Cody and I will start our day with our podcast recording but it's hunting season right now and we've had a lot of family over a lot of changes to our sleep schedule, and so we're just making it work. It's been crazy.
[00:04:51] Tali: It has been crazy, but it's been a really good weekend so far. We have taken our recovery and relaxation very seriously, [00:05:00] and I feel like four weeks of sprinting has really, we've earned
[00:05:04] Cody: it. Yeah. It's the first day off. We've taken in literally weeks and maybe even months as far as like taking a whole day and just not really doing much and not doing
[00:05:13] Tali: yesterday.
[00:05:13] Tali: Jack . Yeah. Yeah. It's more of those, yeah. So today's topic is titled All Show and No Go, and it's. The broad concept of appearances not really being the whole story. And really kind of weighing appearances versus substance and how sometimes those might not line up. And that's definitely something we see in the gym a lot.
[00:05:40] Tali: Maybe not specifically in the gyms that you and I have worked in as of late, but in terms of like fitness culture mm-hmm. abs of fucking loo. Can I just, I, I know you wanna say something, but I, something just came to mind that was not in my show notes. I know where you're going, do you? Yeah. Okay. So I saw this really unfortunate video [00:06:00] on Instagram, I think it was of some fitness model doing, I think it was supposed to be pullups or something.
[00:06:07] Tali: Yeah. And you're watching her like get styled for the video and they're putting butt pads in her damn shorts. Yep. And I. Kind of like, have had like questions about like, you know, seeing ads and being like, mm. That seems oddly off proportion wise. Yeah. But now I know it's for real and it's really a bummer.
[00:06:29] Tali: I hate seeing non-athletes selling athletic shit. Yeah.
[00:06:33] Cody: And it happens a lot. And I believe there's a similar video. If not it's the same. One of those pullups were like, not really, they were green screened or she was like assisted off camera and then they made it look like she was
[00:06:44] Tali: doing 'em on her own.
[00:06:45] Tali: Like someone underneath my pushing country is ridiculous. I mean, you do help me with my Power monkey pullups right now my pullup hold at the top. Shout out to David and Sadie Duranti. But yeah, those are hard for me for [00:07:00] sure, but I'm not gonna post it online as if I'm not getting assistance. Big difference.
[00:07:05] Tali: That's just,
[00:07:06] Cody: yeah, that's just part of the process. But not just pretending for the camera. Yeah. All show a no go. I kind of want to just put this out there cuz I have friends who are bodybuilders and, oh, we're going straight
[00:07:18] Tali: for the bodybuilders
[00:07:19] Cody: already. I'm just, I'm just gonna go right to it, . But the thing I just want to express is that I respect body building and the amount of commitment and work that it takes is amazing.
[00:07:31] Cody: Commit for damn sure. It's crazy. And so as a sport, I actually like body building. What I don't like is when body building and particularly body building style workouts are taught as. fitness, the as fitness, or even worse, like the way toward fitness. You know, like there are people who are just really staunch about it.
[00:07:53] Cody: Like, this is how you get strong, this is how you get fit. Mm-hmm. , and I'm sorry, it's not true. And that's [00:08:00] where all showing no go can come into play because you can look fucking incredible. You can look amazing on stage and you can be relatively strong, like stronger than the average person who doesn't work out.
[00:08:12] Cody: But if you're comparing modalities, there's a reason why power lifters train the way they do. And there's a reason why weightlifters train the way they do. And it's not how bodybuilders train and a power lifter or a weightlifter can out lift a bodybuilder any day of the week, anytime on just about any lift, unless it's a bicep curl or
[00:08:30] Tali: something.
[00:08:31] Tali: So, well, we're not just talking about strength. I feel like it's really easy to zero in on the differences there. Mm-hmm. from sport to sport. But if we're talking about. Other domains of fitness, like flexibility and, well, even mobility, all those
[00:08:46] Cody: things. Even power output. Like, I think I already told the story of like this bodybuilder chick who came into my gym and kind of arrogant, like, eh, kinda, eh, you know, she was like kind of shitty on it.
[00:08:56] Cody: So that's why I don't feel bad like telling the story exposed. [00:09:00] Cause you had a bad attitude. . But we are doing this little workout called Fran and do you wanna explain
[00:09:06] Tali: what Fran is? Yeah. So to
[00:09:08] Cody: those of you who don't know, a thruster is a movement where you have a barbell on the front rack position, which is like above your collarbone on your shoulders, on your shoulders in front, and you descend into a full squat where your hips pass.
[00:09:23] Cody: The plane of your knee. So it's a deep squat. And then through the force of your legs, you come up out of that squat with enough momentum to then thrust that bar up overhead and receive it. Sort of receive it in your hands in an overhead position where you're standing nice and tall. And that's one rep.
[00:09:39] Cody: And then a pull up, which is very strictly monitored of like straight arms at the bottom. So no elbow bend, fully suspended, fully suspended with no assistance, and then chin passing over the plane of the bar that you're hanging from. And so with those very strict guidelines, you do 21 thrusters and pull ups, 15 thrusters and pull ups, and then [00:10:00] nine thrusters and pull up the typical prescribed weight for men was 95.
[00:10:04] Cody: Mm-hmm. , 95 and 65. 65 pounds for the. . So she was doing a lighter barbell because she couldn't do thrusters with very good form with the prescribed weight. But she was doing prescribed pull ups because she did a lot of pullups in her body building, but they were strict which is cool, but that is cool.
[00:10:21] Cody: She did like 21 and then about eight ups and then had to stop cuz she was gonna puke. And that's, I'm not knocking her, it's just it's just the attitude that was behind it. , which is kind of the theme of our podcast today. Which is all show and no go. That terminology is often used for people like that.
[00:10:40] Cody: People who look really fit, but then if you try to play a ball game with them, they're gonna be smoked on the field or on the court or whatever. Cuz they don't really have athleticism or stamina, endurance, like you said, flexibility. Like they're missing a lot of parts of what it takes to be fit. And I'm not trying to shit on bodybuilders.
[00:10:57] Cody: I actually wanted to say that initially [00:11:00] to get it out of the way because. I actually respect bodybuilders for what it is for the aesthetic sport that it is. I just don't like it when people pretend it's something that it's not. And I feel the exact same way about yoga because yogis can really be the same way.
[00:11:15] Cody: Like, oh, yoga will make you fit. And they just stop there and it's like, well, yoga can do a lot for you,
[00:11:22] Tali: but it yoga can fuck you up
[00:11:24] Cody: too , but it cannot. For instance, help you improve your sprinting or carrying an an external load because you don't ex, you don't carry external loads in yoga, therefore you're not gonna get good at it.
[00:11:37] Cody: So whether it's a barbell or a sandbag or a wheelbarrow or whatever it is, that yoga is not serving you to get fit in all domains. So I just don't like it when people take something very specific like that, whether it's yoga, body building, whatever, and then try to claim that it's kind of all encompassing cuz it's just not.
[00:11:56] Cody: So, anyway, that's my beef. I don't wanted to get it out there [00:12:00] because I, I love yoga and I love body building. I just want to, I think it just should be honest about what it is. Like you can have Sure. You can have Sure.
[00:12:07] Tali: And be aware of its limitations. Yeah. And you can
[00:12:08] Cody: have rocked out six pack abs and still be out of shape, believe it or
[00:12:13] Tali: not.
[00:12:13] Tali: For sure. Yeah. And I think something that I've, we've been alluding to all this time, but maybe have not said explicitly is that this concept really lends to Folks in life or in the fitness industry or whatever, any realm who are really leading with ego. Yeah. And that being what's propping them up as opposed to depth, substance, character, whatever.
[00:12:38] Cody: Yeah. Yeah. It's it, to take it out of the fitness realm, there's the idea of keeping up with the Joneses where you live in a house you can't afford and you're leasing cars that you can't afford and you're strapped with debt and you've got student loans and like everything you own is on credit to try to make yourself look more successful than you feel.
[00:12:57] Cody: And so it's a non [00:13:00] substative thing that you know, obviously causes a lot of damage cuz it puts you in a worse financial situation than if you were humble enough. Only by the things that you can afford, you know? And I, it's really a, a similar concept to a lot of the Instagram model type things that we see.
[00:13:17] Cody: Like it's really showy and it looks great, but it's, the substance is missing for that person. It's
[00:13:23] Tali: so easy to forget, though. I mean, I even think about, maybe not lifting videos, but just like if I'm gonna post a selfie of myself mm-hmm. , for instance, it's very likely that the one that I'm posting was not the first attempt.
[00:13:38] Tali: And it's easy to forget that when you're looking at other people's content because the idea is to tell a story, right? Picture's worth a thousand words, and you're filling in all kinds of blanks of like, oh, this is what their life must be like. And this is just a snapshot of how fucking rat it is. But yeah, I think it's really easy to forget that that is intentionally staged, [00:14:00] curated, what have you.
[00:14:01] Tali: Yeah. Yeah. . Yeah. Body building actually came up online as well. And I should actually just explain that body building is actually like my first start into the fitness world. Yeah, mine too. Yeah, it's incredibly accessible. If you go to like any big gym, 90% of the people, anybody who's not on like analytical or a treadmill is probably doing some fort of body building.
[00:14:27] Tali: And when I was in high school my dad had taken me to ballets before school in the morning and it was right next door to a crispy cream. So you, you know, we'd get there at like five in the morning when it's still dark and they're just making the donuts and it smell amazing. I was a freshman in high school, so 14.
[00:14:46] Tali: Why?
[00:14:48] Cody: It's probably about the same time I
[00:14:49] Tali: worked there at Ball's. Yeah. No shit.
[00:14:52] Cody: Yeah. Except in, you know, you were in Seattle, right?
[00:14:54] Tali: Right. I was. Yeah. It was on 99. I know I had taken you, but I traveled to
[00:14:58] Cody: Seattle for like [00:15:00] corporate meetings a couple
[00:15:00] Tali: times. Oh, that's amazing. Yeah. That's funny. So fun fact, Cody and I are 16 years apart, so it's always kind of fun when we find overlap in our history because it's kind of rare.
[00:15:12] Tali: But yes, we are members of ballets and my dad you know, competed as a bodybuilder back in the day, did the stage full tan, greased up sort of stuff. He has really cool trophies from it, and so he taught me how to deadlift. He taught me how to the deadlifts that he taught me are so strange now that I think about it.
[00:15:30] Tali: I would stand up on a bench and it was more like a Jefferson curl where like you'd go beyond mm-hmm. your. Be on the floor. Deficit. Yeah. Deficit. Thank you. Mm-hmm. . And they were like stiff legged too, super strange. But anyway, that was my first introduction to weight training of any kind. And you know, I think about even his body now, like there's a lot of muscle mass that he's been able to maintain pretty easily, but there's [00:16:00] also a level of stiffness that I see so often with folks who are in that crowd.
[00:16:05] Tali: Mm-hmm. . And I feel like, you know, as a coach now, I would never promote body building because I don't think it creates like a healthy balance of all the things that your body. To function. Yeah. At its fullest potential. And so that level of rigidity not only in their body, but like also in the way that they have to eat to perform for this sport.
[00:16:33] Tali: Yeah. It's not a sustainable lifestyle. So it's interesting because yeah, you could body build for like the rest of your effing life and like probably look pretty great, but if you were to try to compete and try to eat broccoli and chicken breasts for the rest of your life, well that doesn't sound too fun to me.
[00:16:51] Cody: Yeah. I mean, I guess it just depends on your values there and what you want, but not to. Have this whole podcast just be about fitness, cuz this is supposed to be the [00:17:00] philosophy of fitness. Oh, it's coming and we haven't really got onto it yet, but I did kind of take a pendulum approach cuz I also started with body building and my first certification was Natural National Academy of Sports Medicine.
[00:17:12] Cody: And I oddly they, they, they were the ones that kind of introduced like balancing things on a BOSU ball and you know, that kind of weird like balance training mm-hmm. . But it was combined with a lot of body building style isolation exercises. So you do, you know, hamstring curls and leg extensions and ar arm curls and tricep extensions and cals
[00:17:30] Tali: are the weirdest one to
[00:17:31] Cody: me.
[00:17:31] Cody: Yeah. And shrugs just for your traps, it's kind of really funny because if you
[00:17:35] Tali: just lo cuz you can load that barbell. Like a lot for those. And it probably, the
[00:17:39] Cody: funny thing is looks really cool. Yeah. But the funny thing is I used to do shrugs like crazy cuz I wanted traps and then all I did was start cleaning and I got traps.
[00:17:48] Cody: Like all it
[00:17:49] Tali: takes is some things. You mean performing cleans? Like not cleaning your gym, right?
[00:17:52] Cody: Yeah. . So yeah, doing, doing functional movement actually moved the needle for me more than [00:18:00] even, even aesthetically. Well that's because
[00:18:02] Tali: of the power output that you were talking about, right? Yeah.
[00:18:05] Cody: And so at that point I swung way the other way into like the CrossFit, fully functional stuff.
[00:18:09] Cody: Like if it wasn't a multi-joint movement, I didn't wanna do it, you know, it was like it's all functional all the time. Now I'm kind of starting to see like there could be a cool balance where you can work on hypertrophy in a body building style as sort of an accessory to your functional exercises.
[00:18:27] Cody: Mm-hmm. . So you know, you can do. Thrusters like I just described earlier in the podcast or, or squats or front squats or cleans or whatever. And then you can also do some stuff on the GHD or some hamstring curls or whatever to like maybe bring up an imbalance that
[00:18:41] Tali: you have. Absolutely. And we see that in weightlift programming all the time.
[00:18:44] Tali: Yeah. Those are accessory lifts. So they're not the main event and power
[00:18:48] Cody: lifting. Mm-hmm. To get maximal strength hypertrophy actually does help. Hyper hypertrophy is muscle growth, like the cross section of the muscle is bigger and that in itself does not make you [00:19:00] stronger, but if you have more muscle mass and then do strength training, you can make that mass stronger.
[00:19:06] Cody: Mm-hmm. . So it kind of takes both sides. Coin. But anyway that was tangent cuz this is just all about fitness, but this podcast that was
[00:19:12] Tali: not a tangent at all. It's incredibly relevant.
[00:19:14] Cody: Yeah. Well, yeah. Perhaps even p philosophically because it does kind of, kind of does bring up a different note that I had here, which is the idea of fake it till you make it.
[00:19:25] Cody: Because we were just talking about how like body building doesn't make you fit or yoga or anything like specific, like that doesn't necessarily cover all the bases. Okay. And this idea of fake it till you make it can also be like, it seems congruent with I'll show a no go, but the difference is there's an intention to get there.
[00:19:45] Cody: So
[00:19:47] Tali: not just the facade of being there. Yeah.
[00:19:50] Cody: And so I think fake it till you make it is like, A call to bravery, like doing the thing you're not good at or the thing that you're afraid to do. [00:20:00] You have imposter syndrome, those kind of things. But you do it anyway knowing that the only way to improve is to do it.
[00:20:07] Cody: And so yes I think fake it till you make it can sort of appear like I'll show a no go because you're kind of pretending to be good at something or pretending to be stronger than you are. But that, that, that pretending allows you to do the action that will actually get you the results that you're desiring.
[00:20:24] Cody: Does that make sense? Yeah. I
[00:20:25] Tali: guess I just think about fake it till you make it. My sister actually, she calls it fake it till you feel it. And I, I like that better just because I'm not really destination driven. Well, it's,
[00:20:36] Cody: it's a rhyming, it's a
[00:20:37] Tali: rhyming thing. I know. I'm just saying faking, like I just think that's a cool way of thinking about it.
[00:20:42] Tali: Just with the idea of like internalizing it, you know? And you and I are always talking about like acquiring new characteristics in a lot of different ways or seeking those opportunities out. And I just feel like that explains more how like you can internalize the things that you are approaching even if you're not [00:21:00] like, ready or qualified to do them.
[00:21:02] Tali: I don't know, when you had initially told me that fake, so you make, it came to mind. I didn't really see the connection so well. Just because I feel like the no show or the all show and no go was really about facades and like really about fronts.
[00:21:20] Cody: But isn't that what fake it means? I don't know. I mean, I'm trying to draw a distinction.
[00:21:27] Cody: There is a distinction between the two, but I think that you can kind of. Interpret them incorrectly sometimes. Well,
[00:21:34] Tali: so gimme an example of fake until you make it. Cuz I, you know, nothing concrete for me is coming to mind. Ex with the exception of you know, there was a, a, an element to working at Nike that I thought was really cool, where like, literally anybody who worked there could give a talk.
[00:21:51] Tali: Like a TED talk. Yeah. And I actually did a couple of them on performance mindset. And it was obviously through [00:22:00] weightlifting that I used as like my, my model and kind of like the life cycle of an athlete and how the mindset can become more and more evolved over that lifetime and or over that life cycle.
[00:22:15] Tali: Know, up until that point, the only like public speaking that I had ever done was coaching class. And you know, that was performative to me and definitely like a comfy thing. But you know, I'd be like dressed in my athleisure and it would be with people who I know all the time and I would definitely call that like a fake it till I made it kind of moment.
[00:22:39] Tali: Yeah. But I mean, I kind of already got the gig right up front, so I don't know if that really counts. I didn't ever have to say like, oh yeah, I do this all the time. You know, I charge a thousand dollars ahead or anything. You know? It wasn't like what I imagine fake it till you make it to be. That just seems like I rose to an occasion for something that maybe I'm not ready [00:23:00] for, but it was great.
[00:23:01] Tali: It was a great experience,
[00:23:02] Cody: but I think that's what that terminology is trying to portray. Hmm.
[00:23:05] Tali: Well I also think about
[00:23:06] Cody: put yourself outta your comfort zone. But rise to the occasion and sort of act confident.
[00:23:10] Tali: Okay. So when I think of fake it till I make it or fake it till you make it. I think about like Wolf of Wall Street , like kind of smarmy peeps who just like turn something out of nothing because of like their conning skills.
[00:23:26] Tali: Yeah. , .
[00:23:27] Cody: I guess that's kind of a negative spin on it. I, I always interpreted it. Well, I feel like all
[00:23:31] Tali: show no go is kind of a negative spin.
[00:23:33] Cody: That's what I'm saying. Yeah. There's a contrast between the two for me. Okay. Like all show no go is negative to me. That's, that's buying the car you can't afford just so you look good to your peers.
[00:23:42] Cody: Which I don't, I don't know if there's anything ethically wrong with that. I just think it's a stupid decision, like a stupid personal decision because it's gonna hold you back in the long run. But to me, fake it till you make it as a positive connotation in it's a call to bravery. So for instance, [00:24:00] you know, I would like to be.
[00:24:03] Cody: A great author one day, and by great, I mean impactful. I want my books to impact people's lives. And I basically just kind of like spit out a book. First draft had a friend of mine do the syntax editing, but she didn't really do any content editing and I published it and that was it. And then I've since been on a couple of guest podcasts, but these guest podcasts are kind of smaller podcasts like ours.
[00:24:31] Cody: And the idea there is I'm trying to just build that muscle of like interviewing and talking about the ideas in my book. And I published a book and I'm doing all these things sort of as practice for some day being an impactful author and maybe being interviewed on big podcasts.
[00:24:48] Tali: Yeah. But to me that seems like such a normal route to take.
[00:24:51] Tali: There's no faking going on,
[00:24:53] Cody: but I feel like I fake sometimes, like I just. You know, I'm an author. I mean technically, but you are. [00:25:00] But technically it's true. Yeah. But it's just ,
[00:25:03] Tali: it just sounds like imposter syndrome. Yeah. Cause it's more of like an issue with your, I like identifying as such, as opposed to faking it, you know?
[00:25:13] Tali: Yeah.
[00:25:14] Tali: So another thing that came to mind for me was you know, we had talked about appearances, or I had mentioned appearances, really not being the whole story. And I think that this can also have a positive spin.
[00:25:25] Tali: Like I said, I feel like this is kind of like a negative, there's a negative connotation with this topic, but I also feel like it's a lesson in Not being too quick to assume anything of anybody. Because some of the most fit people I've ever worked with as clients were very unassuming at first.
[00:25:44] Tali: Mm-hmm. , they were not ripped, didn't have like a collegiate background or like really typical things that you would think about when it comes to an athletic person. You know, they might be carrying a lot more body weight than they need to be, or, you know, [00:26:00] opposite side of the spectrum. They could be like super rail thin and not look like that.
[00:26:05] Tali: There's like much going on and I've been surprised several times and I just, I feel like this is maybe more of the flip side of the No all show no go. Where there's just a really big mismatch between people's fitness and what their physical being looks like. Yeah. And I think that that's just something that needs to be kept in mind.
[00:26:26] Tali: You know, I always felt. I felt for a long time at least, that like my body, my composition was not reflective of what my capabilities were. And that was really challenging for me cuz I wanted to look like the amount of work I was putting in. Yeah. And this was like years down the road. It wasn't like two weeks in and I'm like, oh I should have abs already.
[00:26:46] Tali: No, it was real, I think it was realistic, but I also didn't really know how to eat to fuel my body for the work that I was doing.
[00:26:53] Cody: Yeah. I think as long as we're like playing off of cliches for this whole podcast mm-hmm. , it's don't judge a book by its [00:27:00] cover.
[00:27:00] Tali: Yeah.
[00:27:00] Cody: Ryan forget his last name. Do you remember Freeman? Friedman? Yeah. I was thinking shots. Shots. But that's like who he made, that's his wifey. Yeah. So when he first came in, he had been, I believe if I, if I remember right like a regional games athlete and had broken a leg or an ankle or something like that.
[00:27:17] Cody: He was in ca I just remember seeing a video of him rowing in a
[00:27:19] Tali: cast. So yeah, that was at when I was working at 5 0 3 and they were just dating and he came in and I'm not, I don't know how they met exactly. I guess it's a small CrossFit world, but yeah, he was on a rowing machine in a full leg cast.
[00:27:35] Tali: Yeah. Yeah. It was like the kookiest thing I'd ever seen, but I was like, respect.
[00:27:40] Cody: Yeah. So when I met him, he had healed from that and he was kinda like coming back. So when he came in, I didn't know. His history. Mm-hmm. . And so he looked kind of unassuming cuz he had had all this like time off and the injury that he had been dealing with.
[00:27:53] Cody: And then he just like wiped the floor with everyone in the gym. He was just like super badass and really humbled too. So it's like [00:28:00] you wouldn't assume it from ego or,
[00:28:02] Tali: yeah, he's a super nice guy. Yeah,
[00:28:04] Cody: yeah. Yeah. Really cool. But it's just another example of like the, the book and the cover thing. Of course he's like, you'd, you'd see it now cuz he looks because he is like, made that comeback.
[00:28:14] Cody: But when he first came back you know, he had those challenges that made it look really unassuming, but he still had an engine like the guy could perform. Yeah. And so just another example of what you're
[00:28:25] Tali: talking about. Totally. Yeah. I love thinking about our clientele when we have these podcasts just because I love all these people so much and I feel like in the gym you really get to know people very, very well.
[00:28:38] Tali: And also being able to see their journey is just like such a. privilege to witness and also to influence, like, to be a part of that is such a gift. I it's the best job in the world. Yeah,
[00:28:52] Cody: we can take that out of the fitness world too. Just real quick on, there's a book called The Millionaire Next Door, and it [00:29:00] discusses, it's kind of a book of statistics.
[00:29:01] Cody: So I, oh, I think I know which one you're talking about. I think it's probably a lot of, you know, things that are up for interpretation, but it does talk about statistically how most millionaires in this country, and I think this was written in the nineties, back when a millionaire meant something . Now it means you might be able to afford a house, but back then millionaire actually meant you were rich and.
[00:29:23] Cody: The statistics are like, most millionaires are people you wouldn't assume. Most millionaires drive like an older vehicle that's paid off and has had repairs. And they keep it because it's economical in dependable, and they live in a, you know, moderate house. But they are like super savers people who save a lot of their money and are forward thinking for retirement and that type of thing.
[00:29:49] Cody: So there are school teachers who are notoriously being publicized as being underpaid, but there are remarkable amount of school teachers who end up millionaires because [00:30:00] they'll work summer jobs, they save their money, they live within their means, they live in a, you know, drive a humble
[00:30:05] Tali: car. And so it's an actual millionaire, not just like a theor, like what's the word?
[00:30:10] Tali: Not in just assets. Not like a figurative millionaire?
[00:30:14] Cody: No. Like actual, have a million or more in the bank or like, I think for this book it was like a little higher standard than that. Like a million and a half or 2 million or something like that. Okay. And it's an interesting book cuz it talks about like of parents who are millionaires and how screwed up their kids can be if they're given too much too soon or too long.
[00:30:31] Cody: Like if they're people who are given money every year. Like there was some examples where people would get like $30,000 every Christmas or something. She is Louise. And because they knew that was coming, they really became dependent on it. And their children like really suffered because they kind of, it kind of made them like unable to take care of
[00:30:52] Tali: themselves.
[00:30:53] Tali: Oh yeah. I can totally relate. I feel like my parents were like that, obviously not to that degree. Yeah. [00:31:00] But it was almost expected. I'm gonna go see my dad. I know. I'm gonna get like a 50 or something . Yeah. Which was super nice, you know, I know where it comes from. It comes from a loving place. Yeah. But yeah, it can really stunt you.
[00:31:12] Tali: Yeah. And f up your relationship with your parents,
[00:31:14] Cody: but all but the keeping up appearances or like, you can't judge a book by its cover thing can be kind of the flip side because you can't, you can't assume based on what people drive or what they wear where they are financially or their demeanor, you know, doesn't necessarily reflect how the quality of their relationships are.
[00:31:31] Cody: Like, you don't know, you don't know people. It's true.
[00:31:34] Tali: It's really hard to remember that all the time.
[00:31:36] Cody: Yeah. And in sales, I remember learning that. Like you don't, if you're selling high end art and you have a sculpture that's $20,000 and somebody's admiring it, you don't shit on them just because they're wearing a t-shirt.
[00:31:49] Cody: Or, and jeans, because most tourists are wearing t-shirts and jeans and that tourist could be somewhere, you know, who flew out on their private jet from New York? You don't know. You don't know. Yeah. And so, yeah, you [00:32:00] just treat everyone with respect and, and then you're safe .
[00:32:04] Tali: Totally. Yeah. My real life example it isn't super concrete, it's just more of like something that ticks me off from time to time.
[00:32:12] Tali: And I'm just gonna preface this by saying it ticks me off because I was this person. And so I feel like I have the right to be judgy about it. . So essentially it's like people who are all talk all talk and no action. And you know, one of the things that Cody and I have really pushed for in our relationship together is to be all about action.
[00:32:33] Tali: anytime that we find ourselves talking too much about something, like we've already made the mistake there that like we aren't doing enough to propel our lives where we want them to be. So making actual act actual action towards the things that we want, you know, that's very highly valued in this household.
[00:32:50] Tali: And, you know, sometimes when I am talking to people who are just like, well, one day I wanna do this and I'm gonna get to that [00:33:00] tomorrow, or I'm gonna get to the gym sometime, you know, when I'm fit, whatever the fuck. I just find myself having a really low tolerance. Like even now talking about it, I can feel myself being just really short and judgmental as hell.
[00:33:11] Tali: But it really falls on duff ears sometimes. Yeah. I just like don't care to hear it. And it's, it probably stems from like, you know, empty promises. Disappointment as a child. And then also having done that myself, where I felt like I had to prop myself up because I didn't have much going for me. Mm-hmm.
[00:33:32] Tali: Only once I did things and, you know, that's why the gym is so important to me because that was the arena in which I learned my capabilities and put my myself into interactions in a regular basis. Yeah. And I just find myself like having very little patience for people who don't put themselves in a similar arena.
[00:33:51] Tali: And it doesn't have to be the gym. It's just like, don't tell me bullshit. Yeah. I just don't, it doesn't mean anything to me unless there's something I can see of it. [00:34:00] It's like when people say, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. And then don't change and never change their behavior. Yeah. Yeah. It's infuriating.
[00:34:07] Tali: Yeah. It it becomes really hollow. Yeah.
[00:34:10] Cody: You and I both came from that same place though of, of not being action biased. And being like list makers and dreamers and planners and the best list makers and braggers. Yeah. I can still make a mean list do all the time, but I feel like I've really, I'm starting to come into feeling as if I am the type of person who has an action bias.
[00:34:32] Cody: I'm in my late forties, like it took me a long time to get here. So I have a little of compassion for people in that situation if they're willing to get help and like try to change. If it's just constant excuses, like I have very little tolerance for that too. I feel like. Just to give a fun acronym, I just thought of it.
[00:34:50] Cody: What that I feel like the key to forward progress is having an action biased consistently.
[00:34:56] Tali: ABCs? ABCs. Yeah.
[00:34:58] Cody: Cute. . But what you're [00:35:00] talking about is actually something that I have a really, a growing passion for trying to help people with. Absolutely. Because that's, To me, this is what I want our business model to be about, is taking people who have struggled with their health and fitness and maybe not even just their health and fitness, but even in other domains of their life.
[00:35:20] Cody: And then teach them through training, through fitness training, how to develop the muscle of consistency and action. So I want to be able to teach people who are where I was and where you were cuz we were both people of inaction. I want to take people who are where we used to be and help them get to where we are.
[00:35:43] Tali: Yeah. And it's not an overnight thing. It's definitely, it's been a gradual thing for both of us. Super gradual. Absolutely. And I think that's
[00:35:50] Cody: part of the key though, because I used to take big steps sometimes, but I would just trip every time because I was just trying to change overnight. Like, I'm gonna be a winner, you know, I'm gonna do this thing, I'm gonna [00:36:00] be successful and, and I would just jump out of the gates and then.
[00:36:04] Cody: Two weeks later, I'd be like, wait, what happened? I, I forget what I was doing, doing. I'd lose focus, I'd get tired, I'd get frustrated. Well,
[00:36:10] Tali: that's what I thought was such the, like, such a brilliance of CrossFit. You know, it's changed a lot over the years, especially like with the games and whatever they are now, and it being its own competitive arena.
[00:36:22] Tali: But really the original business model or the mission was to make fitness accessible for everybody. And you know, you see all different kinds of people, all different kinds of bodies doing the same movements or at least the same mechanics, you know, whether it's modified or, you know, fire breather, like it's a scale mm-hmm.
[00:36:44] Tali: But everybody can do it. And I think that that is the genius of it, is that there are no prereqs to do it. There are no prereqs. And the great thing about the coach is that they really can Make those adjustments so that everybody is being challenged, that everybody can
[00:36:59] Cody: [00:37:00] participate. Yeah. And it's not just that everybody can participate, but you know, everyone can start where they are and then be better the next
[00:37:06] Tali: day.
[00:37:06] Tali: Yes. Everybody join your local CrossFit gym. . I just think it's, it's funny sometimes at this point in my life to reminisce on CrossFit in the way that I am right now, because I feel like I. Abandoned it in a way or like even had a little disdain for it from Right. I was gonna say, there
[00:37:25] Cody: was a time when you were really trying to distance yourself from it and I was too.
[00:37:28] Cody: And I think a lot of it had actually to do with the corporate aspect of Yeah. CrossFit. Cuz there's, there's some smarmy people associated with the brand. There's also some gyms out there that are just, you're not gonna get quality coaching. I'm just gonna say it. It's true. There are just like anyone
[00:37:44] Tali: else.
[00:37:44] Tali: Oh yeah. It, all you need is money to become an affiliate and all you need is money to become a coach. Yeah. That does not speak at all to the quality of the practitioners. Right.
[00:37:53] Cody: So the brand isn't necessarily something that can be trusted. However, the theology is fucking [00:38:00] sound. I'm nodding and I can, I can argue with anybody about that, like on any physiological level cuz I've geeked out hardcore on this same, same, same on a physiological like bent.
[00:38:10] Cody: So yeah, it. But I think you can take the, you can not throw the baby out with the bath water. Like you can take the good parts and apply that. Kinda like you and I are now, like, we're not really doing CrossFit, but at the same time, we've, we've learned a lot over the years and we know how to apply the medicine, you know, and so we can dose it the way we want for where we are at.
[00:38:32] Cody: Absolutely. And, and the specific goals that we have, which is something that I wanted to bring up, which is like this all show and no go thing is sometimes just a result of people not knowing what they're working for, or they, or they think they're working towards something, but they're going down the wrong path.
[00:38:47] Cody: And this is where I get a little frustrated with body building being promoted as like a way to get fit, or yoga as the way to get fit. Like this whole like singular path thing. Because I think it pulls people in who are [00:39:00] genuinely wanting to develop a well-rounded fitness, but they're just being taught hypertrophy or they're just being taught, you know, like.
[00:39:09] Cody: Body weight strengthened, flexibility and mindful practice and all the things that yoga is, but they're not being taught like how to build capacity, how to build endurance, how to avoid injury through stability type of exercises. Like, you know, they're not being taught the whole picture. And so they don't know that they're actually not working for the thing they think they're working for.
[00:39:32] Cody: Well, they might
[00:39:32] Tali: not want the whole picture. I mean, this is another point that came up for me where, you know, a lot of people are in athletics, well, maybe I shouldn't say athletics. A lot of people work on their fitness for aesthetics. Oh yeah, that's, and like
[00:39:49] Cody: I said, I have no problem with
[00:39:50] Tali: that. Well, so I just wanted to share though you know, when I was in weightlifting, you know, I was a part of working against Gravity for nutrition coaching, which I've mentioned a [00:40:00] million times, but there it is again.
[00:40:01] Tali: And you know, I had been very performance based for a long time and then once I felt like I was performing at a really high level, I started to kind of change my priorities and I really wanted to eat and train for my physical appearances. But it really started to affect me in ways that I didn't really anticipate.
[00:40:26] Tali: You know, there's always the mistake of thinking like, okay, once I've reached this point or all this insight that I've gathered, I could just kind of set it and forget it and that will always just be available to me. But I really shifted my values and it really wasn't great for my performance. You know, when I would try to like, Put on makeup and look cute at the gym.
[00:40:46] Tali: Like I would become more preoccupied with how I looked doing something as opposed to how I was doing it. Mm-hmm. and I mean, yeah, I guess a lot of people are doing that [00:41:00] in the gym world, but I'm just saying like, that's not gonna drive your performance. Like,
[00:41:05] Cody: that's what I trying to say is like, I don't really, I don't have a moral judgment against anyone who wants aesthetics.
[00:41:12] Cody: I just hope that it's honest, like you're able to know what you're going for and if you're just going for aesthetics, more power to you. I think it's cool. It's fine. Do it. Just don't make the claim that it's for something else. That's where I'm, I see, that's where I'm trying to draw the line is like, and same with yoga.
[00:41:28] Cody: Like there's so many benefit. I love yoga. I'm not like shit talking any of these domains. I'm just saying like, be honest about what it's. You and don't make claims that it's, it is something that it's not.
[00:41:40] Tali: Yeah. But I mean, people also become alert allured by cultures. Mm-hmm. of certain sports. Like obviously yoga has its own culture where it's, you know, you can picture a yogi in your head pretty easily as soon as I mention it you can picture a bodybuilder in your head and there's almost like, there are [00:42:00] archetypes of kinds of people.
[00:42:02] Tali: Sure. And I feel like a lot of times we get drawn to that as opposed to what the sport actually offers. And so I think it could be kind of misleading sometimes. Where, you know, my sister is an example. For instance, she did yoga for many, many years. She's also a dancer and she's a dancer.
[00:42:25] Tali: Mm-hmm. now. And she was back in the day too. But You know, yoga was actually like very bad for her body. She has very flexible joints, like almost to a fault. Mm-hmm. . And so this like stretching exercise was like making all of that way worse for her. And so she actually ended up having to quit.
[00:42:44] Tali: But if you know her as a person, like she fits the yogi archetype to a t in a lot of ways. And so I just think that's kind of interesting how that can maybe be a driving force for something that might, might not [00:43:00] actually fit your goals super well. Like she would benefit a lot from lifting weights mm-hmm.
[00:43:06] Tali: But there's also this kind of like rough and tough exterior kind of persona Yeah. When it comes to people who do that. So I just think it's interesting how There can kind of be a disconnect with what we want and what we're actually doing. And I feel like that or who we actually are and I feel like that kind of plays into the all show No go where there's almost like this persona that we're trying to feed, but it might not have the actual substance to back it up.
[00:43:37] Tali: Yeah.
[00:43:40] Cody: Yeah. I'm not sure how this relates, but I'm just thinking too, when you were describing that like archetypes that we apply to certain cultures, and you would think if you watch ufc, that people who do MMA are like cocky, arrogant, aggressive. They're not [00:44:00] alpha male types. . No. If you actually walk into a, a jujitsu gym, I would say like nine times outta 10, the people that are gonna be very humble, very kind, very welcoming.
[00:44:13] Cody: They're not trying to like show you up, you're gonna be matched with people who are in your skill level. Like this is the culture actually, but we only see the professional fighters who are putting on a show and trying to sell
[00:44:24] Tali: tickets. Yeah. That's actually a really specific like that's definitely integral to that sport.
[00:44:30] Tali: Yeah. I always think it's so strange. Yeah. That whole like thing that happens at the beginning when they're like staring each other down and like, you know, beating their chests and doing all sorts of weird huffy puffy stuff. Yeah. But I
[00:44:42] Cody: think you can see that in a lot of different cultures though, where the, it's the outliers to get all the
[00:44:46] Tali: attention.
[00:44:47] Tali: Totally. I mean, it's the same in weightlifting, you know? Yeah. Like when I would see people kind of display that like cocky, shitty behavior, I'd be like, cut that out. Yeah. That's not what we're
[00:44:54] Cody: about. Yeah. That's not how we are in the gym. No, no. That's not how training is. No. So why be that way on the platform?[00:45:00]
[00:45:00] Cody: Yeah. And yeah, I can see that on almost everywhere. We see that in CrossFit, like watching the CrossFit games is not the same as walking into your local CrossFit gym. No, nothing at all. Similar. And I'm just speaking from that, you know, experience, but I'm sure that it's that way in almost everything.
[00:45:16] Cody: So we have these archetypes that we build in our head, but then the cultures themselves, the broader culture, the people who are really kind of on the ground maybe displaying something completely different. So, like I said, I'm not sure how that ties in, but it just came to mind as you were talking about that.
[00:45:32] Cody: Yeah. Because it kind of relates. , the image versus the substance Totally. Of what we're talking about and and applying that to cultures and not just individuals.
[00:45:43] Tali: Well, and that comes up for me a lot now. You know, I feel like I've changed a lot as a person, like in the last couple of years, and it's like, well, maybe, maybe being like a badass in the way that I characterized it or in the way that like, [00:46:00] weightlifting made me look like.
[00:46:02] Tali: Does that still fit with my, with who I am now? I really feel like I'm trying to figure that out. You know, you and I are engaging in so many different kinds of exercise right now, just because our time is limited and we wanna work out together and we have access to all these really cool programs that we wanna take advantage of.
[00:46:22] Tali: And Yeah. I just feel like, you know, even in that example or even in that arena of doing all these different things, like you and I are still exuding CrossFit, you and I are doing this kind of like constantly varied Yeah. Functional movement, sometimes performed at high intensity . And you know, that's just a value of ours as coaches.
[00:46:45] Tali: Like we might not be coaching true CrossFit, but to really use our body, utilize it in all of its modalities and all of its potential that works its way into our programming that works its way into our coaching. [00:47:00] Mm-hmm. Even if you and I are working with people who are like working in very specific modalities, like that's just the framework that we come from.
[00:47:06] Tali: Yeah. And so I. When we see people who are like maybe a little too, like singularly minded or, you know, propping themselves up on ego, like it just doesn't resonate. It just like doesn't jive. Yeah. With me at least.
[00:47:21] Cody: Mm-hmm. , that kind of pulls me into thinking about our business model also because it, not just the coaching that we offer for fitness, but we want to help people be well rounded humans.
[00:47:36] Cody: You know, I would really like to be able to discuss with our clients, of course, within the legal bounds or whatever, but like, you know, their personal finance or their relationships or things that can get in the way of them becoming the person they want to be. It's really important for me to be able to, if not, you know, not necessarily have all the answers Yeah.
[00:47:58] Cody: But to be a [00:48:00] mentor of some that I can provide support for them to be. More of who they envision themselves wanting to be. And I think not
[00:48:08] Tali: just fitness, but Well, and I think also just embracing being well rounded. And that also means like trying things. Yeah. Taking risks, being uncomfortable. Like I think the issue that I take with people who come across as like singularly minded or boastful about what they're doing sometimes I'm like, well, what other things have you tried?
[00:48:30] Tali: Or like, what else do you got? Essentially? Yeah. I guess I just think about life experience needing to be diversified to be rich. Yeah. And I don't know, maybe that's my singular track mind, you know, thinking that I have to have all this range to live it all the way, but. I just know that when I have put guardrails on myself or been focused too hard on something, like I know I'm missing out.
[00:48:57] Tali: Mm-hmm. , I know there's gonna be [00:49:00] imbalance. I, you know, even in weightlifting, the height of my career, if you will, like, I was missing out on relationships, I was missing out on you know, my body probably being the healthiest it could be. Like yeah, I was in great shape and could do really well, but like, I also had to go to see a chiropractor every week cuz I was in a lot of pain.
[00:49:24] Tali: Yeah. You know, there's definitely like a really deep dive and there was a lot of value to that, but it, my life definitely like teetered too far in one direction and did not have room for much else. Yeah. I think about like leav. Passover over at Joyce's house. Mm-hmm. right after the soup was served, because I had to meet the next day and I couldn't eat past six o'clock.
[00:49:46] Tali: And I was like, well that sucks. Like, I love this holiday and this is like meaningful time I get to spend with my family. And, and it was my first, I know. I'm sorry. Have you been to one
[00:49:54] Cody: since? We did a virtual one.
[00:49:56] Tali: Oh, that doesn't count at all. Yeah. . Yeah, so things like that, I [00:50:00] just, I just feel really strongly about wanting to like live all my life.
[00:50:07] Cody: Yeah. Well, variety is the spice of life, darling. So I don't think you're, I don't think you're wrong, but that's just my opinion. Biased because I also believe in having a lot of range and experiencing all that life has to give. And it kind of, you really touched on it. You, you took the words right outta my mouth.
[00:50:22] Cody: But you used your own personal experience, but I just think of like, The idea in CrossFit is to be as varied as possible so that you can be as well rounded physically as possible. One of the things that CrossFit used to prescribe, if you were like really old school, and it was like before there were CrossFit gyms, it was just a CrossFit gym, is that it would be three days of working out and then on the rest day they would post in the programming a debatable topic that you were supposed to read up on and debate fun.
[00:50:52] Cody: And so it was like mind training kind of thing. So it was like three days of physical work and then a day of, of debating some, you know, [00:51:00] political thing or something. So Yikes.
[00:51:01] Tali: Yeah. on a On a online
[00:51:05] Cody: forum. Yeah, on an online forum. But this was back in the day, people weren't quite as shitty back then as they are now as far as their online presence.
[00:51:12] Cody: That sounds so fun. It was cool. What it really makes me think of though, is like you can be a well-rounded athlete, but not a well-rounded person. You can still have shitty relationships, shitty finances, maybe be in a job you hate. Like there's a lot of things in your life that you can do to try to level up in different areas.
[00:51:30] Cody: And I think that making the claim that being fit will solve those other problems is just as bad as making the claim that looking good will be make you fit. It's the same thing as just on a broader spectrum. You know, like as coaches we can help you dial in your fitness and your nutrition. That's not gonna save, that's not gonna save your marriage or whatever.
[00:51:54] Cody: You know, like there's, you have to take a broader look being [00:52:00] fit and, you know, with your exercise and nutrition, being dialed in will help probably a lot of other domains in your life, but it's not gonna fix everything. So you also have to work on. Developing gratitude on a consistent basis. So it's a habit of yours to be grateful for things that you have, the thing the people in your life and that type of thing, because you can still be a curmudgeony prick and fit , right?
[00:52:27] Cody: Absolutely. And so like I, I guess I just wanna expand that out away from fitness and just talk about this as being like, you can be all show and no go, even if you have a lot of like physical go, but you don't have any intellectual go or you have intellectual go, but you don't have connection. Deep connections with the people who are closest to you or honesty or, you know, you and I work on a lot of different things Yeah.
[00:52:55] Cody: As individuals and together. So I just wanted to bring that out because that all [00:53:00] show and no go really can, can apply to a lot of things you can. Be wealthy and fit and still have shitty relationships. Like you gotta, you gotta really, you gotta really like check yourself in the different areas of, of what you think may be the keys for you to have a satisfying life and feel
[00:53:20] Tali: fulfilled.
[00:53:21] Tali: Yeah. And you and I are by no means experts on this. This is a theory that you and I are writing out with mm-hmm. every decision that we make together. And like I said, this is something that we definitely practice as coaches. And so I think this is just a, a way of kind of explaining our coaching style and where it comes from.
[00:53:42] Tali: Mm-hmm. and why we are the kinds of coaches that we are. So, you know, if that sounds like something you wanna be a part of, I hope that you'll join our opportunity services, all the things that we've got going on. Yeah.
[00:53:57] Cody: Do you have more notes?
[00:53:59] Tali: Do I have more [00:54:00] notes? You know, I think I actually touched on everything.
[00:54:04] Tali: Cool.
[00:54:05] Cody: Yeah. Anything else you want to add?
[00:54:06] Tali: No . I guess not.
[00:54:08] Cody: It's almost
[00:54:09] Tali: 10:00 PM and I'm really distracted by whatever's flying around right now in
[00:54:13] Cody: the room. Yeah. We live in the woods and we have pine beetles this time of year that like to try to migrate into the house. And they sound and they have
[00:54:19] Tali: successfully,
[00:54:20] Cody: they sound horrific, but they're harmless.
[00:54:22] Cody: Yeah. Anyway, thanks for joining us. Sorry if I felt gr or if I sounded grumpy. I'm not grumpy. You sound grumpy. I feel like I sound grumpy. And
[00:54:31] Tali: this was easy, an easy topic to get kind of judgey about. Yeah.
[00:54:35] Cody: So I didn't mean to come off grumpy, but it's like two hours past my bedtime and I'm having a lot of fun, even if it doesn't sound like it.
[00:54:43] Cody: So anyway, thanks for joining us Yeah. This week and we'll see you next week.
[00:54:48] Tali: Hell yeah.
[00:54:53] Tali: This episode was produced by T Zari and Cody Limbaugh. Check out our writing, coaching services and home studying [00:55:00] adventures at live all your life.com. For show notes, resources mentioned, or to submit a question or contribution, click on the podcast tab.